Monday, 26 October 2009

Film Review

Hey, guys!

It´s my first post here, so... I don´t guarantee it´s gonna be one of the best!

Well, I´ve got a thing with movies, I just love them! I love going to the cinema, watching them at home, with or without popcorn, cookies, soft drinks and stuff like that.

I´m not that into thriller, horor or suspense films... However, I really enjoy comedies, romantic comedies, dramas, action and epic movies. And the type of movie that I like most is the one that you have to think to understand, and that mixes your concepts up, so that you start looking at something or things in a different way.

I´ve wathced one of these films recently and it got me days thinking about it: GAMER.
It´s about games developed in the future by a Tecnology company.
One is named "Society" and in it, actors and actresses, hired to work as gamers, are completely controlled by the players wills and create a new society rulled by drugs, perversion, and many kinds of self-destruction.
The other one is called "Slayers", in wich prisioners of the death corridor volunteer to be gamers, agreeing that, in the game, while they're "on", they'll get other names and no control of their actions as the players pay for controlling them. The objective of the game would be killing the enemies and surviving for as many games as possible. If the gamer/prisioner survives the 30th game, he gets his freedom.
Kable, the new name of Gerald Butler, is one of the "Slayers" gamer, the one who has reached the surviving record of the game's history. His wife, after his prision, had to work as an actress in society to keep the pot boiling. By doing that, she lost the custody of their only daughter.
The girl was adopted ALMOST at random by a multibilionaire man, Castle, who comes to be the evil creator of the games "society" and "slayers" and now has a master plan to rule the entire human race.
Now Kable has to save his wife and daughter, and might possibly save the world, but first he has to break the chains and save himself.
Rushing adrenaline and astonishing special effects would describe well this exciting movie, although we can't possibly forget to mention the striking soundtrack and the complex sociological and political background environment.
I strongly recommend this movie for it is indeed one of the greatest of the last years.

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